October was a busy event month for FreeThink, with appearances at three major conferences around the US!
FreeThink sponsored and exhibited at the Formulation and Development US conference in San Diego, where President Ken Waterman gave a presentation on ASAP titled “Advanced Modeling from Highly Accelerated Stability Testing (ASAP) to Determine Product Shelf Life.”
The next week, FreeThinkers were in Boston for the AAPS PharmSci 360 annual meeting. Technology Development Lead Jennifer Chu gave a presentation on FreeThink’s new proprietary technology OzmoCAP®, a PDF of which can be viewed on the OzmoCAP® website.
Then it was off to Chicago, to Pack Expo, to discuss with fellow attendees how ASAP can rapidly determine product shelf life and support packaging decisions.
The events were a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Contact Dave Lucey to find out where we will be next!
Photos: FreeThinkers (from left) Jennifer, Ken, Alisa, and Dave at AAPS. Ken speaking at Formulation and Development US. Elif and Dave at Pack Expo.