Electrochemical Oxidation of Canagliflozin Using Electrochemical Flow Cell – Comparison with Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation
Presented by Filip Vymyslicky et al., Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Book Introduction: Accelerated Predictive Stability-Fundamentals and Pharmaceutical Industry Practices
Presented by Fenghe Qiu, Ph.D., Boehringer Ingelheim
Accelerated Predictive Stability (APS) for
Biologicals and Vaccines
Presented by Didier Clénet, Sanofi
In silico Prediction of N-nitrosamine Degradants in API’s that Possess a Secondary or Tertiary amine Functional Group
Presented by Ash Ali, Lhasa Limited
Measuring the Physical Stability of Pharmaceutical Adjuvants
and Drug Delivery Systems Using Multiple Light Scattering
Presented by Gordon Irvine, Formulaction
— and more!
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