Since deciding to leave donations boxes around the offices after the holidays, FreeThinkers have been offering clothes, shoes, and books by the carload-full to some wonderful local community organizations.

Books are donated to the James Blackstone Memorial Library in Branford, whose mission since opening in 1896 has been to “provide essential access to information, resources and unique shared experiences to help ensure Branford is an educated and enriched community.”

Clothes and shoes are going to Loaves and Fishes in New Haven, an organization that “provides food, clothing, and access to services that meet neighbors’ basic needs so that they have greater agency in making personal finance decisions.” They are “an organization rooted in community, seeking to blur the line between those who receive our services and those who disseminate them.”

To learn more about these organizations, visit their websites through the links below.

Blackstone Library

Loaves and Fishes

Books and clothing donated by the carload-full

Donations boxes at the FreeThink offices.

Loaves and Fishes volunteers showing off recent donations.