Over the course of each year, FreeThink employees and administration set aside money to donate, and, during the holidays, the FreeThink Charity Fund gives the sum to charitable organizations chosen by the employees.
The following organizations were selected to receive this year’s donations:
Bare Necessities, Inc.: Bare Necessities, Inc., partners with social service organizations and food pantries along the Connecticut shoreline to serve hundreds of young families, having “distributed over 396,000 diapers and 809,000 wipes” since starting in November 2015.
The Conservation Fund: The Conservation Fund “protects America’s most critical lands and waters to provide greater access to nature, strengthens local economies and enhances climate resiliency.” They “have worked in all 50 states since 1985 to protect more than 8.5 million acres of land.”
Mental Health America: “Mental Health America (MHA) is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all.”
World Resources Institute: World Resources Institute works with partners in more than 50 countries to “focus on solving seven major challenges at the intersection of environment and human development: Cities, Climate, Energy, Food, Forests, the Ocean and Water.” They do so “through the lenses of […] Equity, Finance, Economics and Business.”