ASAPprime GO!™ Kits
The Step-by-Step Guide for ASAP Lab Studies
The ASAPprime GO!™ Study Starter Kit is the perfect complement to your ASAPprime® software. Use it to train scientists new to the Accelerated Stability Assessment Program (ASAP), or as a tool to ensure proper running of an ASAP laboratory and use of the software for analysis.
- Learn each step in the process by running a sample ASAP study on the standard product (tablet) provided in the kit
- Enter the study data generated into the ASAPprime® software for analysis
- Use data analysis to predict shelf-life and optimum packaging
- Match your laboratory’s ASAP study results with the known ASAPprime® behavior measured at FreeThink’s laboratories
Each ASAPprime® GO!™ Study Starter Kit Includes:
- Sample ASAP study design
- Active tablets for stressing
- Saturated salts
- Salt solution vials with prepared lids (24 count)
- Analytical method and standards
- Labels for glassware
- Detailed instructions including
- Preparation of saturated salt solutions
- Sample set-up
- Sample analysis
- ASAPprime® modeling instructions and expected results
FreeThink also sells salt solution vials with prepared lids separately.
To learn more about these offerings or place an order, contact your local representative or enter a request in the Contact page.